Monday, March 1, 2010


Yesterday was a gift.  A day filled with laughter.  The best part of being a woman is the next woman always gets you.  Even if they haven't experienced the same thing you have, they can understand.

Developing a strong core of female friends will help you navigate the waters of life, marriage, children, loss, health issues and aging.  Yesterday afternoon I met with my quilt group (Fabric Stalkers) and laughed so hard that I needed an inhaler.  And yet in the laughter I recognized the fear and pain of our stories...but in the end there was only love and laughter.

In the evening my book club met.  Such a wonderful strong group of women.  Such a variety and yet we can come together not only to talk about the book of the month but to share our lives, what's happening at work and that we are glad we have each other in this meet an unpredictable future.

Today I gather with my MG's (material girls).  They are my mostly senior citizen retired quilting girlfriends and they give me sage advice from quilting to how a wedding dress may be lenghtened.  They have lived through marriage, children, health issues and some are swimming the waters of widowhood.  They laugh at my antics and give me a feeling of being cared about as a mother would care for a daughter...without all the baggage.

So in a two day period I will have been in the company of all the women I need...of all the women I respect...and all the women who take the time to get me.

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