Friday, March 26, 2010


Definitions of fate on the Web:

destiny: an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future

destiny: the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events (often personified as a woman); "we are helpless in the face of destiny"

destine: decree or designate beforehand; "She was destined to become a great pianist"

fortune: your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); "whatever my fortune may be"; "deserved a better fate"; "has a happy lot"; "the luck of the Irish"; "a victim of circumstances"; "success that was her portion"
After an indepth...margarita induced discussion on fate, I have a more concrete personal definition.  I believe that in life, fate exsists...but it has no power, no control in and of itself.  It is like lines on a road map.  You are standing on point A and before you there are many choices.  Fate cannot exsist without choice.  They are like 2 important ingredients in a recipe.  What ever direction you choose, you will understand the fate that was involved...only if you are willing to see the fate and accept that it is a result of your choice.
There are many ways to live a life. One based totally on choice, gives you the total responsibility for it's outcome.  Some are not strong enough for this path.  Choosing a life based only destiny is to give up all responsibility.  But to stand on the point and have before you many choices, choosing one and knowing that it was not your only choice but the outcome will be different with each see can see the hand of fate.  Fate cannot exsist without choice.  Most people cannot see fate because they do not want to accept that their choice resulted in this fate.
Fate has been given a bad rap because orgainzed religion has twisted it's defintion to suit their individual doctrine.  It has taken on a negative aura.
Fate is the whisper of a miracle.  It is a force of nature to create vivid color in our lives.  Fate can give you the gift of power over your choices OR is it that your choices give you power over your fate?

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