Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cup Half Full ~ Cup Half Empty

I look at this photo and I wonder is this guy a "cup half full or a cup half empty kinda guy?" Is he looking at this situation as "the ride of his life or is he thinking this is my last ride?"

Life is challenging and having your cup half full can keep you from freaking out!  Especially when you have a wedding in your horizon. The logistics of pulling a wedding off are huge...hence, wedding planners, books about wedding planning and movies about wedding planners.  This is like having a little angel on your shoulder this, do that...but no planning in the world can keep life at bay, the human factor.  Showing up to a wedding is not only the food, the cake, the dress, the decor...but people, with their individual needs, wants and dreams.

I was talking to a patient about her medical history last week and she spent the 24 hours before her daughter's wedding in the hosptial...being monitored for a possible heart attack???!!!!  I thought holy @#$% her daughter must have been freaked!  But, if you are a cup half full kind of person...who for the most part carries a little joy where ever you already have an innate knowledge that you can deal with the disappointments that happen every time humans gather.

Yesterday a friend and I spent the afternoon looking for the little items needed for weddings.  We are both mother's of the groom.  So this little adventure was fun in ways we didn't anticipate.  As we shopped, discussed details and dreamed of the perfect items needed, there was the conversation about our own weddings, that life happens and at this stage of the game we both don't remember all the disappointments or disasters (and there were some) heck, my stalker showed up to my wedding...but only memory of the joy in tying the knot with the love of my life.

I hope my children carry the cup half full, because life is what it is...always trying to get you to spill a little of your cup.  But, if you remember that there are two of you holding onto the are stronger.

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