Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Surprises!

It is amazing what a little jolt of happiness can do for your outlook about everything.  A little jolt of happiness suddenly makes tax time to trivial to worry about.  A little jolt of happiness makes the sink full of dishes...a sink full of dishes instead of a job.

Around dinner time Greg and I were catching up on each other's day.  The highs, the lows...the funny, the sad...the guess what's and the @#$%^.

It turned out not to be anything near 60 degrees like Bob Shaw promised but I was determined to pretend.  So I planned dinner around a main dish of BBQ.  We dressed warmly, I sliced some cheese and placed them on a plate with crackers...a glass of wine each and we sat out on the deck while Greg fired up the BBQ.  There were a few golfers who went by because they also were determine to pretend it was summer.

When we carried the platter inside the phone rang and Peter said he was coming over...that he was in town...no way!!!!!!!  Are you joking???? no way!!!!!!  Yep...he and his partner had to transport a patient that could require medical assist so they needed paramedics to transport him from Portland to a care facility in Bend!  Poor guy...but how lucky for us!!!!!

Although they needed to head back over the mountain they stopped by, we threw some food at them and I got to hug my son.  A jolt of happiness that has made my whole week!

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