Monday, March 29, 2010

Stronger Than Gorilla Glue

This past weekend was a gift.  I was able to witness that which all parents strive for...the bonding of their children.

Parenting is such a humbling experience.  Through your children you get to witness some of your own challenges.  Parenting is like doing a two step.  Two steps forward, one step back.  No one is immune.  There is no perfect parent.  We are human beings with all the challenges of living human...raising other humans.  You do the best you can with your own human frailties tucked in your heart.  You give your children some of your pain and some of your joy.  You give them some of your weaknesses and some of your strengths.  And in the end, you hope that with what you gave them and what they themselves were born with...that they will be better than you.

This weekend gave me the opportunity of seeing one of those gifts.  The kind that Greg and I can tuck in our hearts and know...when we are dead and gone that our children will have each other.  Knowing the bond between our sons is strong and filled with love for each other...well, if we did nothing else right...we did that.  It is stronger than Gorilla Glue.

The other thing you hope for is that who your children choose to spend their lives with, is another person who is bonded to their siblings.  For it is in witnessing this bond that you know their parents for all their humanness gave their children the best of themselves.  I see this in my future daughter in law...she loves her brothers and sisters.  They will understand the need to keep that sibling bond strong and in that bond it will strengthen their own relationship.  When you learn to love, forgive, fight and forgive as you grow take those skills into your own family. 

So, as the world tries to spill some of your cup you have the strength born in the love of your siblings that help you in your own family.

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