Monday, March 15, 2010

Bless Me Father For I Have Sinned....

There is no question about it...confession is therapeutic.   Confessional web sites have been springing up all over the net.  Some are used by people just for the shock value, some are to apologize for criminal acts and some are for misdeeds committed years ago.

We as a society like to present an view that every thing is A-OK.  We don't want to bare our souls to co-workers or friends and the anonymity of these on-line sites allows people too wash their "sins" away.

I don't get it and I don't agree.  Saying your are sorry does nothing if it is not directed to the person who is harmed.  Confessing you feel bad just to make yourself feel better is pointless.  And the idea that one could be forgiven any transgression by confession either in a confessional or an internet confessional...well it's delusional.

In order to grow as a person, one of the traits that you have to develop as a human being is the ability to know when you are wrong, be able to apologize directly for the misdeed and gain the knowledge of how to not do it again. Then you have a confession that has substance.  If you have never apologized for a past misdeed and there is either no opportunity to make it right by distance or death, you can still learn from that event, never repeating the mistake and become a better person.

There are people we hurt that we can never apologize too for a variety of reasons...but why confess to an internet site...why not just work at becoming a kinder person.  The world needs more honest, kinder people.

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