Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just Want To Have Fun

We could learn a lot from children.  They don't get wrapped up in what it looks like but how much fun they are having.  Byron is at that inbetween space where he is still able to make believe, have a big belly laugh and be silly...but you can see, that it is beginning to matter how others precieve him.

I wish I could make the silly phase last longer.  Viewing the world through a child is like seeing all the colors in the box...not just the right ones.  It is not worrying about how loud you are laughing...but laughing just for the joy of it!

He looks an inch taller than when I saw him last month...I can see the adult in him...and yet...he loves to play and has not problem pretending he is my favorite pet!  I figure if I keep Bryon instead of Enzo the grooming costs would be least for now and I could start going back to the hair dresser.

I have a feeling though that Byron wouldn't be statisfied with the same dog food every day.  But, I do know that Enzo would love to share his bed with his boy.

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