Friday, February 5, 2010



I had lunch with my cousin yesterday.  I love these moments with her because they give me a peek to my past as a woman, mother, wife.  Women are amazingly strong. 

My mother is always worried about China taking over the world because of their economic won't happen in my life time...the reason, they devalue their females.  China has a history of killing female babies and in the past has limited the number of children per couple, resulting in an off kilter population...too many males, not enough females.  Until they allow their female population to grow...they will be, behind the 8 ball.  Although females in most countries are second class citizens it is their strength that keeps a family tree growing.  I love strong women.

The wonderful thing to watch is how a strong woman can raise strong woman.  Take Erin, a power to be reckoned with.  She is the product of a stong woman and when I see this photo of her I see the woman she will gives me hope.

Strong women can be a challenge in men's lives but in the long run they enjoy their lives more...because weak women need tooooo much. 

1 comment:

Lil' Red said...

I started to cry before I even read your words.
I love you.