Thursday, February 4, 2010

Entitlement vs. Gratitude

"American society has become a society of entitlement. The entitlement attitude says, "life owes me something," "people owe me something," "the government owes me something," or "God owes me something." "My parents owe me something." "My teacher owes me something." "My employer owes me something."

This quote expresses what keeps some of us stuck.  We have since the "New Deal" believed that if we work hard that we are entitled to what we want.  This does not take into account that sometimes you work hard and life kicks you to the curb.  If life kicks you to the curb and you live your life by the rule of are always going to be angry, frustrated and a victim.  Living by the rule of entitlement will ultimately bring the bully out in you...because to be entitled creats a belief that what you are entitled to supercedes what the next guy is entitled too.

The only guarantee in life is change.  Hard work does not guarantee a good life...look at the field workers.  Hard work does not mean you drive a fancy car or live in a big house or have perfect children. 

I watch people at work, those who feel entitled to all that their employer has given them in the past...and continue to feel they are entitled to the same treatment and change...I am entitled to 6 free massages a year...I am entitled to free coffee...I am entitled to the position I work change...because I am entitled.  This attitude sets you up for anger, depression and the undermining of your self esteem.

"Expressing gratitude for everything in our lives, including, the things that we would prefer to have been different, is powerful and empowering. Expressing gratitude is within the Law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Cause and Effect embodies the truth that Law pervades the Universe; that nothing happens by Chance, that Chance is simply a term indicating cause existing, but not recognized or perceived, that phenomena is continuous and without fail or exception."

If we start each day, grateful for our ability to go to help another human being...we empower ourselves.  Sure as human beings we will sometimes slide to that space of griping...but you have to be careful because griping is a relative of entitlement.

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