Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How Many Friends Do I Need?

The world of Facebook is an interesting look into our social connections.  After joining facebook a couple of weeks ago and taking the time to search, watch and try to understand this world that Facebook has created...I am getting less confused.

Of course I am making excuses for myself for taking the plunge...but...all I wanted to do was be connected to family that live out of town.  It has proved to be beneficial.  I am now connected to cousins that I rarely talk too, on the other hand it has made me look at the parameters of what a friend is???

After looking at a blog that I follow and noticing that this person is also on Twitter and Facebook...I clicked on her Facebook page...1,126 friends!!!!!!!  That is like being friends with the entire city of Sisters!  What is the point.  You can't possibly be friends with that many people, unless your definition of friendship is that you saw some guy, who saw some guy drinking a cup of coffee in the Sister's Coffee Company and is now you Facebook friend.

It makes me wonder if a person's self worth is based on how many friends you have accumulated. It makes me wonder if this tool, Facebook can actually undermine your self worth...like taking you back to high school...wondering if you have enough friends...are you popular...and what does it mean when someone does not want to be your friend?

The real question is how much of your life do you want to share with a friend of a friend of a friend???  How easy do you want the "creatures" of your past to find you?  And do you really want the computer to be your very bestest friend...cause you sure are spending a lot of time with it...

What I know for myself is that Facebook has opened a connection with my cousins.  I don't want to be friends with my children...they need their privacy and they will share with me what they want to share (besides I like to hear their voices and even email seems more personal).  My dearest friends...well, why would I need them on facebook...I see, talk or email them regularly...and I want that level of connection.  And really...do my Facebook friends...really need to know I am having stomach cramps...or ate a gerbil...or won some pig from a farmer in Farmville....hummmm  If you are someone who I see once a month, do I want you to have access to my life every minute of the day, via Facebook.

So, here I am with my 8 friends feeling quite popular and I again have figured out how to move with technology but keep my boundaries.

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