Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

"While the history of Valentine's Day is sometimes debated, it clearly links back to a Catholic saint named St. Valentine.

The problem is there are actually three St. Valentine's -- one a priest, one a bishop, and little is known about the third. All were martyrs."

"A conventional and widely accepted belief about the holiday itself is that Valentine's Day grew out of a Middle Ages tradition of celebrating Feb. 14 as the day "the birds began to pair."
Every year I get an email from my mom stating how commerical Valentine's day is and that it is a merchant's holiday.  She is not a romantic...and although she would like to believe this holiday was started by Hallmark, in fact it is rooted in a history that spans the globe.
As time has marched forward Greg and I have come to a less commercial Valentine's Day, letting it evolve into a time to be together, sharing our love and reflecting on our blessings.  We have passed the holidays where jewelry was purchased, flower and chocolates were staples...
The gift I have this year is a short story of me as a little girl.  While all the other little girls dreamed of weddings, prince charming and wearing that white dress...I did not.  I cannot remember one instance as a young girl where I pretended I was getting married or figuring out the names of my future children.  Why???  Because I knew he was already out there.  I wouldn't have to pine away, wishing, pretending and hoping...because I knew he was already out there and he would find me someday.  I am so glad he did.

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