Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Party's Over...

it's time to call it a day.They've burst your pretty balloon and taken the moon away....

Get together's are good for the heart. For a short span of time you leave behind the job worries, money worries, housework, the needs of the kids and you get to focus. Focus on a great time. You realize you are all basically in the same boat and you are surviving through laughter and a little tequila. History binds us, locking our arms together, so that we may continue and have another party. If you are really lucky, you will meet someone new....who's history recognizes your own and you feel comfortable.

What I learned last night...

Tequila seems to make everyone better looking and smarter
When you have small children, it's important to make time to let your hair down because someday they'll cause you to lose it....
Food catered by Tate and Tate is worth every cent
Unbirthdays are more fun because you don't have to carry a tune
I can bake
some people, who will go unnamed, can down a Baja Fog in one gulp
bean dip does not mix with books
Friends are so important to breathing

What I learned this morning...

you should always drink at least 1 glass of water between tequila tasting, otherwise you'll wake up with a dehydration headache.
getting up at 5:30 am to get the son up and heading back to Portland...well it's just painful
sending a son back to his place is...well it's just painful
the party gods say...always have the day after, off work

Questions I have about last night...

who wore the mask and who wore the boxers.....hummmm

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