Sunday, February 15, 2009

Annie Newspaper #3

Crust Winners

Times have definitely changed, men were the bread winners...women the crust winners. Women are approaching the dubious 50% of the work force mark. Yet they continue to earn 78 cents to every $1 a man earns. But currently the unemployment is higher in the male population that the female. The impact on the family in this economy is causing an infrastructure change in the family. When women are unemployed they do twice the work at home but according to a survey when men are unemployed they watch more TV, sleep and look for another job. I think this may be changing. The micro-economy in the average American family is making a big shift...

Jody Denton, former chef of Merenda's heads to Australia

I can't imagine what it must be like to be at the top of your game and have a headline like that. To go before a bankruptcy court and declare you have nothing. Move your children and life to another continent. I wish him success is picking up the pieces of his family life.

Spend or Save?

Save for the future but spend as if the future of your country depends on it! So when you get your stimulus money don't buy a new pair of jeans...take the money and spend it on your future. Improve your home or spend it on an appliance that will save you money in the long run...not something that in a month will be broken or worthless.

Lesson of the Bust

1. Bend is not a unique economy but interwoven with the world
2. Invest in education
3. stronger and smarter city government.
4. amend land laws to allow more industry

it is sad to drive around town and see brand new streets in unbuilt subdivisions when the street leading to them are a mess. If the city had stuck to it's gun and said developers must invest in surrounding street improvements, there would have been fewer developments and the surrounding areas would look better. But we were conceited in our belief that what we wanted and how we looked mattered more than the over all community. It makes me angry to see these new streets without houses and you can find an unpaved street with houses in the middle of town....or sidewalks only on one side of a street.

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