Friday, February 6, 2009

The Shoe Cobbler Has Too Many Shoes!

I love the fact that the shoe cobbler has too much business! I have always cherished my best shoes, they are like an old friend. Comfortable, soft, supportive and reminds you of all the times you had together. So I am loath to give up a good pair of shoes...especially my Josef Stibel's.

In college you always had your Berk's resoled...heck they weren't worth anything until you had at least resoled them once! They really represented the miles you had traveled in them. So now we are seeing a resurgence of a old craft and people are taking a second look at whether they should donate their old shoes to Goodwill or have them resoled for themselves.

We are such a ADD society. Trends keep our interest only for a moment before the next best thing comes along. And waste....I am sooooo guilty of this...but a girl can be taught.

Remember the cobbler downtown...Greg on his daily walks passed his store front and was a customer. And so the cobbler is popular again but we ran him out of downtown with our high rent business that sell $600 purses...who buys those?????

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