Monday, February 9, 2009

New Week, New Life

I like the idea of beginnings but if all you have is beginnings you start to feel like there is no end in sight. Today is Monday...we always look to Friday as a finish up day, so we can enjoy the weekend...but then Monday comes again. There has to be other ways to make a beginning feel better so the energy can sustain me through the end. Maybe I need to ignore the end, especially if it is something hard, nasty or difficult...but focused on the next beginning....boy this line of thought can make me wish I was in the middle.

It has always been important to stay focused on what will keep you safe, happy, comfortable and financially stable. But today it is even more important. The most vital ingredient to this entire mix is to not deviate from your moral code. It is easy when others have more...or seem deviate from the plan to make yourself feel better in the moment...but moments are fleeting, and when you get to the end and you are not feeling content, safe or is usually because you succumbed to beginning and didn't pay attention to the end and most of all the middle was more about others than it was about yourself.

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