Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Whiney Wednesday

It's a late blog and I am whining about it. Maybe it is because this day my life is a little out of control and maybe it is because I am coming down with my first cold of the season...and maybe it is just because it is Wednesday.

Any hooo...I am feeling dragged, stomped and thrown under the bus. I have chosen to not alter my plans which means I am going to a good bye dinner for a former coworker...don't want to miss that. Then I head to book club...don't want to miss that cause the book of the month was awesome...and I have to go to work at 5:30 in the morning...whaaaaaaa

Ok, I am done crying because what's a little cold anyway. After seeing what was coming through the OR today a cold is a piece of cake....

hey, maybe cake will help my cold...foodie needs medicinal help...

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