Friday, February 27, 2009

Paying The Man

Never before have I been so grateful to pay my bills! It is interesting that in these unprecedented times that the ordinary takes on a whole different view.

Although we worked hard to get homes, our home is suddenly a refuge as never before. Family, who have been a pain in the a$#@! are now ones that we want to be more connected with and are more grateful for our connections. Our jobs, which provided daily recreational bitch sessions are now places we want to go to each day...with a heart felt thankfulness.

Then, there are the bills. Before we viewed them as a monthly or bimonthly assaults on our wallets. But now they represent our choices in a very clear way. They can be a billboard of what we think is important in our life. House, car, heat, water....and now they can show our excesses and priorities. When the world was in 2005 I paid my bills with a irritated feeling of being put out. Fast forward to 2/27/2009, this morning I found that it was nice to pay my bills. A nice cup of coffee, gathering my small monthly pile and paying the man. Why is it different? Because I have pared down my bills to represent who I believe I am. They are a small pile that represents a responsible individual, who does not need stuff to feel good, who makes choices for the long term good and in the course of 30 minutes can spend the rest of the month stress free.

So paying the man isn't so bad....but I am still feeling a little leery about figuring out taxes....oh well, life was never meant to be perfect.

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