Monday, February 23, 2009

In The Moment

A friend told me that if she is in the presence of her son and his phone rings...he had better not answer it. She is challenging him to be in the moment. The change that has occurred dramatically over the last few years is the dependency on our cell phones. I carry mine every where. I wonder how I survived before I became dependent on being tapped in.

Once you succumb to the world wide connection it is very hard to unplug. I ponder how many lives in reality are saved because of the cell phone. I know anytime Greg goes out in the woods I want to know he has his phone with is the only time he carries one...although when we travel I ask that he have it also.

But the bigger question is...has the cell phone made us more connected and accessible to each other or has it created an environment where we are only present until the phone rings.

Now texting is a whole other way of connecting. The highest volume of texting occurs with the 13-17 year olds, with the average text messages per month 2,272. There is a social connection that occurs and a convenience but the downside...people are losing the English language. I see it in emails or snail mails that I receive...language, grammar and spelling are lacking. The issue is if one has focus, patience and can master the complexity of writing a complete thought.

It is suggested that addiction to text messaging be included in the diagnostic manual for mental illnesses...who knows we may evolve to a specie that no longer needs vocal cords.

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