Sunday, October 18, 2009

Leo Kottke

The first time Greg and I watched Leo Kottke play was in 1978.  We were newly married and had no children.  Leo, born in 1945 was just 8 years older than us.  Seeing him last night was a look into the changes in our own lives. We also looked older, and his finger picking was a little slower...must be arthritis.  He is a fantastic acoustic guitarist and can capture a theater just on that talent alone...but, what makes his performance even better is that he is "every man." With his monologue of self reflection, depreciation and humorous historical story telling you feel like he is a friend.

He in a one man show, no roadies...walks out on stage and plugs his accoustic guitar in and starts pickin' and talkin' and talkin' and talkin'.

We are blessed to live in this town, in the middle of the state where it is a little bit of a challenge to be a travel distination and to get talent like Leo to come and play a spell.

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