Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hazmat Suit

It seems these days you can't leave your house, nor can any of your family members if you want to stay healthy.  This is an oxymoron, since leaving your house is what gives you immunities.  I know that science is trying to give us forewarning and on a lesser scale the media may also...but having the headline say, "Swine Flu Epidemic Coming...little or no vaccine available" really stirs up the readership.

I have, according to the news barely survived my life...hepititis, AIDS, MRSA, Asian flu, bird flu, mad cow disease, E Coli in everything I eat and now swine flu.  I hear stories about someone, who knows someone, who used to work with someone...who was related that had the flu.  You don't need to get mad could just go mad with all that you read.

As I leave to visit my boys in the big city...they must have a million more contaminants, I am OK...I am ready...cause I have my handi wipes, my bottle of hand disinfectant, I've had my seasonal flu shot, I won't eat anything (right!)  at least if I eat anything I will disinfect it with ETOH...the good kind...and I have a mask...I won't look any weirder than the guy preaching the world is going to end, actually I may look prepared! LOL  (I really won't wear the mask, unless someone comes near me)

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