Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Tale Of One City

I have seen things that are shocking, weird, wonderful and just plain curious.  When you have no agenda you can be more observant of the world around you.  So here is a list of the events and things I have seen in a another our country...

1.  A brand spanking new Mercedes Benz Tour Bus...the tour as advertised in big bold script on both sides and the back...sign up now for the real estate "Foreclosure Tour."  I kid you not!

2.  I dropped a piece of dried mango in my supposedly clean hotel room.  I did not even consider Robin's 5 second rule (which Myth Busters proved wrong, drop it throw it away) It fell slightly under my bed and when I picked it up there was something stuck to it.  So, I got my glasses and saw a gray pubic hair (and for obvious reasons which I will not go into, I knew it wasn't mine)....thank god I never go barefoot in a hotel room....euwwwwww!

3.  Everyone here knows how to use their car horn.

4.  In the last few days I have seen exactly one professional bike rider...the kind with the tight colorful bike clothes.

5.  All chain restaurants were born here and there are some I have not heard of.

6.  The sweat shop labor is here, in the form of a masseuse.  The huge building advertises $29.99 for a 75 minute massage.  This company can do 1500 massages in a day and has 200 massage therapist....I am thinking therapist is used loosely and you may not be able to communicate with your masseuse.

7.  They also have a coffee shop on every  corner.  The Pacific Northwest addiction has gravitated south.

8.  Every house I walked past had a "beware of dog" sign.  I did not hear one barking dog.  Me thinketh this population is trying to fool the thief, because I also did not see any dog poop anywhere.

9.  While city workers were cleaning out a huge fountain they gathered up coins tossed in as someone's "good luck wish" and gave them to the homeless guy waiting patiently at the edge...nice.

10.  The Lucky's grocery store in this huge city is cleaner than the Albertsons and east side Safeway in Bend.

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