Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Headline

"Region has 6th-highest homeless rate in U.S."  How can this be?  According to the newspaper Central Oregon has 110.5 homeless persons per 10,000 residents.  They did a head count and found 2,237 homeless persons in the area, including 876 children!

The last 6 years have been one of unprecidented growth, new shopping, new schools, new homes.  With the economic climate that growth stopped so fast that everyone felt it.  You can now go around town and see acreage that is over grown with weeds but include streets and sidewalks.  Lots where old buildings were knocked down but new ones were not built.  So many were involved in the creation of this new building fever that when it stopped, the shock wave was felt by everyone.

It is sad that many of the individuals involved in construction, from the graders, to the construction crew, plumbers, electricians, landscapers and painters are struggling.  Many who built homes, are now homeless.  It is still unfathomable that life could have changed so quickly and dramatically.

In this town there is not one person or one segment of the community that has not been affected.  As construction has stopped, so have people's purchasing power...thus no eating out, no spontaneous shopping, no updating ones home, no vacations, no self care (as in massages, spa visits).  Yesterday I had a patient tell me that they no longer take their anti-depression medication because they couldn't afford it since being laid off.

The economist say we have to start spending, that it is in our spending that we will save our way of life....give me a break.  It is true that our economy is based on the circulation of money but it is my dream that my children and my children's children get the message.  You do not buy what you cannot afford to pay for...if you don't have the cash then wait.  We built our lives on a dream, supported by credit and when the credit was too full and the economy many people lost their dreams.  Your dreams should be based on what you can create for yourself, not what you can borrow. 

I want the security of knowing my dreams will come true, I made them come true and when they do they will be here to stay.

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