Sunday, September 6, 2009

Breakfast in Bed

I think everyone should try to make a habit of having breakfast in bed together at least once a week!
The ritual of having a space of time together, eating breakfast, reading the paper, talking about the headlines can lead to an intimacy that will carry you through the times where someone leaves the toliet seat up.
Even with children, it creates a bonding of family.  Trading off who fixes breakfast keeps it interesting and there are moments you will not get when the real world clock starts ticking.
When I have breakfast in bed, I feel younger, prettier and my life feels so good. Every other day we are rushing to work for the man, getting chores and lists of tasks completed...but for this moment in the week, we are two people who love the calm transition into the day, reading the paper, enjoying the fruits of our labor and we both look damm know, the rose colored glasses...they fit better when you take the time for each other.

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