Tuesday, September 15, 2009

3 Tips....

...from the world's most ancient culture for staying happy and healthy in tough times.

The author of the article stumbled upon research done by a cultural anthropologist on one of the world's unsolved mysteries.  The Tarahumara people much like the Moken people pictured above live off the grid.

When you think of the many staff meetings, therapy sessions, collection agency calls that many people are wading through...you might want to take a look at how to incorporate the frame work of a much more ancient people who seem content.

They give us the gift of 3 tips:

1. Embrace a gentle nature.  The Tarahumara do not like to ask direct questions as this gives off a sense of aggression.  Instead of trying to fight, hustle or overpower your challenges take a gentler approach.

2.  Take the Magic Potion.  Fun is the magic potion.  Take a moment to reflect on what you love to do most in life and go do it.

3.  Turn off the clock.  We are consumed by time...so many days till the next payday.  8 hours till that doctor appt.  2 weeks before an automatic deduct for my mortgage.  If we could live more in the present and when we have a free moment make it a moment to free your mind...we may be as happy as the Moken people who do not even have the word "when" in their vocabulary.

I enjoy reading these kinds of articles because they give me food for thought.  Am I living my life the way I would want too?  I like working.  I like the purpose of working.  I like being with people and I like being alone.  So how can I incorporate these 3 tips into my American culture life...without a doubt...work, stay out of debt and stay in the present while enjoying the goals I that I want to chase!

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