Friday, September 4, 2009

Retirement An Elusive Goal

I was reading an article titled,"More workers see retirement as elusive goal."  How true it baby boomers look at the loss that retirement accounts took this last couple of years it is disheartening.  The dream of retiring seems to be one of those carrots that is dangled in front of a donkey to keep it moving forward. 

It is interesting that one of the couples that they interviewed included a wife who was a nurse.  She has continued to work 12 hour shifts and is 58 yrs old.  Talk about depressing.  She joked that she'll be shuffling around her hosptial with a walker. lol

Although we are definately on the conservative side as far as our budget goes we still plan on pushing our retirement date further out.  Health benefits are where most people who plan on retiring have the biggest questions. 

In Europe, the land of socialized is also the land of socialized retirement.  Makes you wish you were French!  The financial planner that helps us said that she has clients in South in Americans who can't afford to retire here and are leaving their hometowns and families to retire elsewhere.  Although intriguing I can't fathom having to use a passport to see my sons and their families. I head into day #3 of 10+hr shifts (sorry, it's just a killer to my legs and brain) I hear in the back of my brain....

 Bonjour, Je m'appelle Annie, comment t'appelles-tu?

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