Friday, January 16, 2009


Today's paper had an article about taglines. Taglines are used in advertising, it's something that makes the first impression on people. According to the article is should be short, reach out and speak to the needs and wants that your audience has and something that they can identify with. A phrase or short group of words that defines a business.

Some local taglines are, "The Life We Love" (Mill District), "It's Why We're Here" (Deschutes River Conservancy), "Who Knew!" (Redmond Downtowners Assoc.), "Book Lovers Never Go To Bed Alone" (Between the Covers bookstore).

Famous ones include, "Just Do It" (Nike), "Got Milk" (California Milk Counsel).

A tagline should be easy to understand, deliver a message and inspire something greater.

I think if each person developed their own tagline it could rock their world. The process requires quiet thought about who you are and what you want the world to know about you. If your tagline becomes your daily mantra it can change how each day looks and you path could be altered.

I developed a tagline several years ago and once that happened my life started to evolve. I added it to the bottom of my emails and letters and it is who I am. So I sign off with my tagline....

"I Live In The Possibilities"

What will be your tagline????

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