Saturday, January 10, 2009

Easy Rider Interrupted

Our dinner conversation last night hit a variety of targets with an extended discussion over the new Clint Eastwood movie, "Gran Torino." The discussion went from the good 'ol boy attitude to life growing up with prejudice. But as often happens we ended up talking about ourselves, our children and parenting.

Greg was saying that it is funny that he gave up motorcycle riding, only to have one of our son's ride a motor cycle as a adult. Although he would not want to own or ride a motorcycle now, it is peculiar that his sacrifice did not prevent a child from taking the risk. At which point I said...if I had only had big colored hair, tattoos and piercing...I may have spared myself the scary period of watching a child experiment and choose a variety of these options. For this I know, that teenagers tend to choose the exact opposite of their parents.

If Greg and I had been easy riders with tight leathers, tattoos, smoking and cursing...our teenagers may have chosen the priesthood!

Good thing for easy rider interrupted, because we were decent parents and our children survived their teen years (minus a van, some holes in their body and possible wildness that is better not to know about...such as a street sign that was run over) and now they have wonderful women in their lives.

But who knows, when they settled down and increase their family size...we may just ride up on a Harley with tattoos and leathers to pick up our grandchildren and say, "oh by the way did I ever tell you about the time... Wonder if they'll think we are cool??? Rockin' A!!!

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