Friday, January 2, 2009

So Long, Farewell, Auf Weidersehen...

good bye, adieu, adieu, adieu to you and you....

It is amazing the energy, hope and love that go into the holidays. Today, it was good bye...but a really satisfying goodbye. There is no stopping time and the one thing you can depend on is change. All the decorations are down and packed away for another year. The cleaning has begun and there is the smell of freshness in the air and it is not just the pledge dusting solution.

I am looking forward to turning a leaf, start running again and trying some alternative health choices. I know without a doubt that in another life, I was probably a greyhound dog with the rabbit running around the track in front of him. Given a goal, I feel powerful, motivated and happy. So, the gauntlet of the Dirty Half was thrown down by Mike and Mo and heck...6 months...I could probably run 13 miles again. Who knows...maybe running the Portland Marathon again is not such a far fetched idea.

What I do know is that on this Day 2 of 2009 I am most grateful for:

1. A wonderful husband
2. son's and the ones they love
3. true friends
4. the fact that I can read
5. The sun on Christmas day and New Years day
6. and a truly amazing life

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