Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ramblin' Roads

or thoughts. Today is a day to ponder what is going on around me. The last day of rehab is going to prepare me for recovery mode tomorrow. Yesterday was a wonderful day of connection with my quilting group. It filled all the need for connection and support besides allowing me to finish some hand work. We decided this is a necessity, especially in this times.

I started reading Suzi Orman's book, "Action Plan for 2009" and boy is it chocked full of great information. Some things we already have implemented, some it was good to get the reinforcement and some we are going to start. Implementing and securing your future is not only for the benefit of your own retirement, but as in my family, for the future security and education of generations following. No one is untouched by what is happening.

The question comes, how to enjoy life when so much hardship rotates around our individual lives and how to make the everyday be joyful? I have been cutting Greg's hair for over 31 years, not just because we're cheap and it has saved us a ton of money (we are and it does) but there is a real intimacy that occurs during the process. Every day events can be free and yet enjoyable.

Friday, I got the bleak news of how my employer is going to solve their financial hardship. It was scary to hear but I am a "yank the band aid off fast" kind of just give me the news and I will figure it out. Greg has his "come to Jesus" meeting one is going to escape this where to find the joy...sometimes in the unexpected.

Last night while rummaging though my frozen chocolate stash I found a note and $20 from my youngest son. A couple of weeks ago when he was in Bend he tried to pay me back for something and I refused. So when he left for Portland he wrapped the $20 in a note that said, "just to make sure you didn't try to give it back to me" and hid it in the freezer amongst my chocolate. I was truly stunned...which doesn't happen often... on so many levels. One, moved by the man this boy had become and two....well it left me speechless. Obviously the son knows his mother's weakness and knew the chocolate would call my name. lol

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