Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fairy Dust

I wish I had a velvet pouch filled with fairy dust. I would sprinkle a little on each person I know who is suffering.

We are only half way through the first month of 2009 and we continue to see decline around us. Another store closes, another couple divorces, people losing their homes, cars, jobs...having to move to find work in other places that don't have work...

It makes me think of my parents...this is why they were always harping on us about waste, this is why they never went out to eat, this is why they kept cars until they were really old, this is why they save yogurt containers to reuse...they have lived through an event like this. They have stood in line for a bag of flour, they have lived with multi-generational households, they have worked at whatever job they could get and walked miles to get there.

So as I sit in my warm home with a cupboard filled with food and I head out the door to my job...I will drag my garbage bag of fairy dust and sprinkle it on each person I meet (god knows a pouch is not going to cover it) and although it may not give others a home, money or companionship it will be a moment where I can give a smile to lift the heart.

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