Monday, November 16, 2009

Rolling Stones Gather No Moss

There are people in the world who are like a rolling stone that gathers no moss.  They move across life making an imprint at break neck speed.  My mother is one of them.  She lives her life at the same speed that her brain is functioning.  The pedal to the medal.

It is bitter sweet.  On the one hand, life is exciting and always changing.  On the other hand you miss interactions because of the speed with which they move in and out of your sphere.  You laugh at the spontanity in which they live and it is exciting like when some releases a balloon full of confetti. 

I know having lived in the lime light of a woman such as her that I am in awe and at the same time left longing.  I have learned to love the spirit which moves her and am thankful to be of the same gene pool.  I look around my home and feel the warmth of all the orchids and wish she could relax in the moment, recieve the love and be at peace with all those who want to love her.

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