Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Between Halloween and Thanksgiving...Pumpkin Spa Treatment

So what to do with the jack 'o laterns that you don't want to use in a pumpkin pie...have a pumpkin spa treatment.

Yes, in fact that's what I did yesterday.  My very favorite massage therapist has moved to a new place and is promoting some excellent spa treatments.  When she first talked to me about the pumpkin treatment it sounded fun but I was concerned that maybe I had better lose a little more weight or there might not be any pumpkin left for Costco to make pumpkin pie with!

My other reservation was that during the process you are pretty exposed...and I have always had body image issues.  So I showed up with the mantra, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

First step, a total body scrub with brown sugar and olive oil...I could feel my skin getting  softer by the minute.  Once done it is wiped off with warm towels.  Then the pumpkin is painted on...all over.  Once basted on both side you are wrapped like a mummy, tight as a bug in a rug with 3 layers, the last being a thermal blanket...cucumbers are placed on your eyes and you are left to a blissful sleep dreaming of Thanksgiving dessert.  After 20 mintues (it seemed longer than that) She washes the pumpkin off and gives you a relaxation massage.  When done you get up, you wipe the last bits of pumpkin from all the nooks and crannies and your clothes go on like silk.  My skin never felt so good.

That afternoon Enzo heeled like a champ...I like to think it was the training, but he kept trying to lick my legs...guess I missed a few pumpkin smears.

For an all over theraputic massage, you can't beat her and if you are ready to walk on the wild side...she is the kindest massage therapist I know...

Diana  541-788-0787

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