Friday, August 21, 2009

What's Not To Love????

One of my more irritating traits is the fact that I worry. I was born and raised to worry. My early childhood was sporadic, not through any ones fault but it was life at that time. Traveling as a baby to another country, having my mother in and out of hospitals, cared for by strangers...well it makes you hyper vigilant and a worrier.

So for things that are close to my heart I spend more time worrying about...knowing my mother does not care for dogs, thinks they are a waste of time and basically has no use for them. With that said she is no longer MIA but showed up in town yesterday. The scene...dinner at my house...Enzo's first meeting with his grandma. Although the first thing she asked was, "Why did you get a dog?" to which I made no comment, because I knew this dog was going to win her heart. So during dinner he laid at her feet, licking her toes which made her giggle. Then she gave him a pat. Then as he feel asleep on his back with himself exposed she covered him with her napkin?! laughing?!

What's not to love????

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