Thursday, August 27, 2009

The View

Keeping focused on the view will make your life richer than focusing on the limitations.  It is easier to keep the limitations in the fore front because they usually are easier to understand.  Concrete.  Limited.  Defined. But if you accept the outline as all there is, the possibilites are lost.

Yesterday while walking with a friend she said, "If I live to 85 years old, I only have 30 more summers to enjoy, 30 more springs to enjoy the Irises."  It was stunning in it's limitation.  It was defined. got me thinking.  Can I see that possibility?  No. 

Mainly because I don't know how many summers or springs I have and there is so much that can fill a year, month, week, day, hour, minute and second.  I don't want to miss a second of shear ectasy. 

I believe that the single span of time that it took to think...I have only 30 more summers...may have caused me to miss a moment of shear bliss!

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