Friday, August 14, 2009

Amo il mio lavoro (I Love My Job)

Every so often you hear about a job or see a person who is working and you give thanks for the job you have. There have been times this past year where I have definitely questioned my choices of career. Then you see a photo like this one. Sure I have cleaned up my share of excrement but somehow it was different.
A few years ago as I started my day I would take a moment to be consciously grateful. Doing this actually made my day better. No matter what drama is going on in my head, if I took a moment to be thankful...I felt better. It is not to deny my own pain or marginalize what might be occurring in my life, but taking a moment to be grateful for what I "do" have going for me is grounding.
This morning I picked up my mail and in the pile was a notice that it was time to renew my license. I am grateful for the reminder and that I have the most incredible job. I help people. And, I am paid a wonderful salary which enhances the rest of my life.
Today, I am grateful for my job.

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