Thursday, November 6, 2008


In the middle of the night, dead asleep, a spider was crawling on my arm....euwwww! But instinctively I brushed it away smashing it in the process. By then my brain kicked in and said move, move, move there is a spider in the bed and I flew out of bed in one fluid movement turning on the light. Simultaneouly DH flew out of his side without question and then said "what's the matter?" In that moment we were a fine tuned survival machine, covering each other's back, not 50+ year olds on the downhill slide of life. It made me feel good. Together in an emergency we can remain cool, move fast and take care of ourselves....that is together! Had I been alone there might have been a different ending. But DH scooped up the smashed spider and flushed him down the toliet and only then...after the crisis was over did we revert back to our repective ages and both have to take a leak before getting back in bed. After all when you are 50+ an emergency of any kind will require you to empty your bladder afterwards.

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