Saturday, November 8, 2008

Being my own Best Friend

When I first started this blog I imagined it would be cool to type whatever moved me. I chose to remain basically anonymous so I would feel free to write uninhibited. Now a week out I understand that if not self promoted most blogs live in obscurity because there are so many of us. It is like sifting though the real estate ads to find the one house you would like to do a walk through. In some ways it would be nice to have the occasional input but it has now evolved to existing like a journal or diary. How amazing is that. All of my life I have wanted to keep a journal...I have several very beautiful journals which have maybe a total of 5-10 pages written. When ever I discover them hidden in bookshelves and drawers I marvel at the snapshot those few pages give me to my life at that time. I was never able to maintain my interest. I am drawn to displays that sell handmade journals and beautiful pens but find it very funny that for some reason I am drawn to type my thoughts in a very ugly black laptop. For some reason I have found the little piece of real estate, done the walk through, and really enjoy typing away on my blog.

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