Monday, November 3, 2008

Daylight savings time

OK, so I have issues with daylight savings time, what's new. Daylights savings time as we know it was first proposed by an English builder in 1907. Adding daylight to the afternoon is beneficial to certain business, decreased accidents and makes ones mood so much better. On the other hand the farmers have it harder. To make any major changes to the system would cause havoc because so many businesses have computers and bookkeeping tied to the scheduled rotation, which brings me to my own dilemma.

My body which used to be able to stay up past midnight and rise at 5 am in the 20's no longer is able to adjust. I have noticed as the years have progressed that it has become increasingly more difficult for me to keep my fined tuned intuition on high alert with the changes occurring twice a year. In the spring I so love all those extra sunshine hours...I want them year round and I want the weather guy to make the weather more stable also!!!

In the spring my intuition is on high alert and I used to be able to "know" when one of my children was sneaking out of the house. Maternal Spidey Radar. But with the coming of autumn I could only detect when they were in the process of sneaking back in the house! I totally blame this on Daylight Savings time. It is continuing to mess with my Spidey Radar. Although there are no longer any children at home I miss the fine tuned sense I had of the world.

Last Friday every one was excited about the extra hour of sleep we would be getting...are they nuts! My body is still functioning on the old clock...I am now up later and still have to get up and go to work and that is why I am here spilling my thoughts onto my blog at 5 am. The only benefit I have noticed is that this morning I feel like I had one to many gin and I must have had fun last night...right?

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