Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pokey Pokey

Acupuncture. I had my first treatment yesterday. I have been interested in eastern medicine ever since I traveled to China 3 years ago. Did some reading back then and have always resisted the surgery/pill route if I could. The problem is eastern medicine takes commitment. They don't just give you a quick pill to swallow or cut out the problem.

What I know is American life is so full, we work longer hours than other countries and we have less time off. We are encouraged to work overtime and to somehow be proud of that fact. But eastern medicine requires you to take the time to think about your body. To pay attention, feel, listen and then do what is required. That's have to do something yourself, not hand it over to someone else to take care of for you.

So, my first acupuncture treatment was in a ortho/neuro surgical center of all places. The room was lovely and the table was very comfortable with light music playing. I first thought was this is wonderful just to lie down and be still for a moment...forget the needles. The needles were felt going in some places more than others but over all were not painful at all. Then the most wonderful pressure massage of the neck and shoulders was done with an ointment then felt cool and wonderful.

It is an ongoing treatment with at least 4 successive treatments with a reevaluation after on subsequent treatments.

Results. Although after the first treatment I still have vertigo, the discomfort in my hip and sciatic nerve is not there today....that alone is making me happy. I can't wait for the next one if only to have a moment in time to be quiet.

My next endeavor is to learn to meditate...after all I am tired of listening to my brain argue with itself!

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