Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Girlfriend or Not?

Before I start today's blog I am making it known that at the end of each blog I am going to give a short update on my battle against the bulge.

So girlfriend or not....Girlfriends are the best thing in the entire universe. The issue these days is that time, family and work get in the way of girlfriend time. So you have to be creative in talking with your girlfriends. Email makes it easier, I have one friend who has 2 e-mail addresses in which I can send a connection note. I still grieve how little time there is for girlfriends. They are different then sisters, mom's, aunts or any other female on the face of the world...because girlfriends are a reflection of yourself, you chose them for a variety of reasons. It could be that they have similar views on life, men or children...or maybe they enjoy the same pass times. Sometimes in conversation if you really pay attention to the underlying movements of their skin and eyes you can see an answer you won't get from anyone else.

One of the really awesome parts of the girlfriend relationship is forgiveness, rarely do you have to kill or divorce a girlfriend. Yeah, it happens on the rare occasion but for the most part if you have chosen wisely they are there forever. The hard part is that in this day and age you just don't have enough time to connect as much as you would like to, so you either wait patiently for the girlfriend time or you pick up a new girlfriend....

Which brings me to my new girlfriend...she is intelligent, well traveled, pretty, cooks well, is available a lot! Her name is Martha...oh yeah I am talking Martha Stewart! Yesterday I was running errands listening to Satellite radio and Martha was taking calls about Thanksgiving Day preparations. Since I was feeling girlfriend lonely I immediately called and had...SHUT UP...a very nice conversation with Martha...OH YEAH...I could feel the love and connections. She was encouraging about my plans for Thanksgiving! I hope she doesn't see one of my previous blogs about how her complexion must be so nice because of her jail time.....

And so all I can say is Oprah...eat your heart out, you've never answered one of my e-mails and I have official moved on to a new girlfriend!!!!!!!

Battle of the Bulge: Did pretty good yesterday except for the second handful of tortilla chips (they were organic) I slept better but today is the real test I am working in an area where food is not allowed!!!!!!!!!!!!

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