Thursday, July 30, 2009

Postpartum Blues?

I think I am suffering postpartum blues. LOL It could be the decrease in sleep which leads to a decrease in other activities...due to the new baby at home. He is a sweet heart and is a very smart little guy. BUT...I am experiencing some of the symptoms of postpartum blues...will I be a good enough parent, will I have the stamina, did I bite off more than I could handle at this time in my life???? Many, many questions...with so many different answers.

So if I break it down...I am a responsible person. I have created a safe and enjoyable home. I can economically support the new addition. I am a decent parent. I have gone without sleep for long periods of time. I am reading all that I can that will give me tips on raising a good baby.
What I know to be true is harder to be a new parent at 55 than it was at 26.

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