Saturday, April 4, 2009

You Got Some Change Mister???

"The moment you realize that life can, and does, change in an instant is a profound moment in the journey of life." Sometimes you make it all the way to adulthood before you get the message. For some you find out way too young.

In this recessional/depressional times....depending on what article you are reading, change is occurring every single moment. People are losing their jobs, retirement nest eggs, homes...and families. These changes are ones that are not of our own making. If they were, they would be considered a life plan. Instead it is a perfect economic storm and as with all storms it will pass.

Understanding that the profound shifting of our world is happening, excepting that each day is going to be entirely different than the day before and putting one foot in front of the other with the right pair of shoes is going to be the rest of our lives....welcome to the rest of your is going to be an adventure.

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