Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Basics

In a variety of conversations I have heard that we need to take care of our own. The basic thought sounds reasonable. If everyone just took care of their own business and solved their own family problems then we would be OK. What I think is missing in this piece of reasoning is that we are humans.

Humans cannot be, by their very nature only about me. We are connected in ways we don't have a clue about. So although taking care of your own is just smart business, reaching out and helping another is even more vital to the survivability of the human race. Whether you donate food to a local bank, give a tip to the person pumping your gas or take a moment to not only listen but hear a person's are connecting and by that connection you are creating a chain...and by that chain we can move forward. If your touch has the need to reach a little further than your own backyard finding charities where a majority of your help goes directly to the end user rather than the machine that drives the charities can be daunting. Here are couple...


Anne said...

Hey there Anna.... I couldn't figure out who "Annie" was until I saw the picture on your blog. How's everything going? I miss you! Still nursing? How are all your boys? Who at SMQ is also doing the freebie BOM? Well, take care!

Anne said...

Oh no....I didn't mean "nursing", I meant being a "nurse". LOL