Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thoughts on Drugs...The Recreational kind...

I had to snort when I read the article about the Taco Stand at both locations getting busted for dealing drugs out of their locations. Both have been popular for the food and are reported to have the best carnitas in town. Now, we know that they were also the location where one could get meth as a side dish. It goes to show you that people of the criminal mind especially if they are having a side dish every day, just are not smart.

It kinda stands out when the taco stands are open 24 hrs a day. We pass the one on Hwy 97 at 4:15 in the morning on our way to the gym...and it makes no legal economic sense to remain open 24 hours a day! BIG SIGN...when no one is buying tacos at 3:00 am but you are open.

Now we have a new drug in town called, "Sunshine." Nice name for a drug in a place that longs for sunshine to arrive. It is a relative to the drug Ecstasy. Some known risks of the drug include increases in heart rate and blood pressure, a special risk for people with circulatory problems or heart disease. Other symptoms include muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, faintness and chills or sweating. This sounds like the same side effects of intercourse....maybe they need to post different side effects. After all in one city they stopped teens from loitering by hanging pink florescent lights over the area they were congregating in because it made pimples show up better and the teens don't like it...(who thinks up this stuff). So, with that premise if you released that using Sunshine causes you too look 20 pounds heavier, fart and burp...I thinking no one would take it because of the potential killer to the moment.

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