Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monkey Brain

I found out last night in Tai Chi that I suffer from Monkey Brain. It is a malady that keeps you from relaxing and enjoying the moment. The symptoms are the inability to sit still, performing several tasks at the same time, and flight of thought. You lack a certain gene that allows you to day dream.

I always wondered what it was that caused me to eat, watch TV and read a book at the same time. Now I know! They say once you discover that you have Monkey Brain there is a chance for survival.

The amazing thing is for one hour last night during Tai Chi class the symptoms were suppressed. Of course as soon as I got in my car a monkey was sitting in the passenger seat.

Now that Greg and I are starting our "staycation" I am going to try and do one thing at a time and see if I can make the monkey move out!

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