Friday, April 3, 2009

Black Hole

In astronomy, an object so massive that nothing, not even light, can escape its gravitation. Black holes were given their name because they absorb all the light that falls on them. The existence of black holes was first predicted by the general theory of relativity. Super massive black holes have been found in the centers of many galaxies. Stellar black holes are thought to arise from the death of very massive stars. Astronomers expect to find many stellar black holes in the Milky Way.

Every so often when I would run out in the forest I would come upon a pile of garbage some one had dumped. It used to anger me to see such a blatant disregard for the environment. What kind of person would do this, it takes effort to get out here, why not just take it to the dump that is on Knott Rd? But in reality some people can't afford the cost to dump or need the money for something else like, food, housing or drugs. I think they must have been standing at the edge of their black hole to make this OK.

I have always used the analogy of the black hole and depression. In the past when I became depressed, I walk to the edge of the hole. Sometimes the edge would be soft and crumbly and I would get anxious about falling in...would I ever make it out? Now, when I feel depressed I let it happen. I no longer fight it, but relax into it. I find doing this makes it pass quickly, the fighting and worrying about it just feeds the hole. I do things that occupy my time and brain...I let my heart and soul be quiet. This tool has actually made depression OK, it is a part of life. It makes me a more grateful person. Now when I view my black hole it is from the ground viewing into space and I no longer feel its gravitational pull.

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