Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I have been in transition this entire year. I don't have a clear idea of what has precipitated this or if it is different than any other year...after all life is transitioning from one point to another. But this year feels different...more momentous and I like the tingly sense that life is really unfolding in a interesting way.
It could be that with the marriage of my oldest child my role opened up...I became a mother in law and a grandmother! 2 new roles and ones that I love and feel loved in return. It could be that my youngest is on the precipice of a new adventure.
Whatever the reason I am feeling energized, ready for new ideas, ready to give up old ideas. Ready for new relationships, ready to let go of old ones. I read that your 50's is a time of can be about you, for the first time. I am lucky in that I have no regrets...for me every mistake I have made was a clue to the next step.
The best quote I read this week, "All compulsions whether it be food, gambling, about filling the anorexia of the soul." I can't stop thinking about that...there is a nugget of truth in there and I am enjoying the puzzle.

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