Thursday, September 2, 2010

May We Have The Envelope Please

I was reading an article on the need for frugality...duh...but, how this need is leading us back to cash. over the last couple of decades we have moved to the use of plastic...not only credit cards but debit cards. It is convenient and after all it does come out of our account immediately so it is kinda like cash. I actually feel myself get a little stressed when I am behind a person who is either writing a check, filling out their check register or counting out pennies. Why don't they just come to the dark side and use a debit makes the line go faster!

Except when the money comes off a debit is just easier to spend. You don't see immediately that the amount is decreasing. Cash takes discipline. It takes planning and it worked for Grannie. Although I am a debit card user I automatically only use cash when I go on a quilt reign in any impulsive spending.

I remember my son telling me that his girlfriend at the time used a "cash in envelope" system. I am sooooo glad she became my daughter in law! The author of this article was introduced to the cash envelope system by her boyfriend and she said...using a cash envelope system takes discipline. It seems now there are a few more people who are willing to become more disciplined and challenge themselves to save, pay off their debt and deny themselves when the envelope is empty. Wow...what would the world be like if we learned self discipline?

Here is the link if you think you want control of your life!

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