Monday, September 13, 2010

It's A Wild Life!

Greg loves the desert and will spend 6 hours a day enjoying the fresh air, hiking where rarely a 2 footed beast will go and taking in vistas that are breath taking. It is bow hunting season and the animals know it. He can be out there and not see one critter. There are signs where limbs have been bent and there are tracks but nary a critter is about.
But, sit on our deck and life is on the move. Around our deck we have seen raccoon, squirrels, chipmunks of several varieties, eagles, hawks and birds/bats galore. We have seen skunks....this week a very healthy coyote was trotting down the middle of the 5th fairway right in front of our deck...trotted a stones throw around a golf car that had pulled up. Enzo, he could have cared less...didn't even notice.
There are things going on off our deck that he could give a hoot about (no pun intended) and he never barks at anything...but this week when 2 bucks and does climbed across our hill side he stopped and intently watched their progress. Enzo runs like a deer, hopping and trotting so maybe he recognized a kinder spirit. What really gets his attention is the quail. As soon as they start talking he stops and walks to the railing, poking his nose through. A covey of about 20 came across our hill as we sat on the deck yesterday while we enjoyed one of those perfect Sept. evenings when suddenly there was a "big swoosh." Landing right in front of us on the branch of the closest pine tree to the deck in clear view was a Great Horned Owl. The quail went crazy talking in that way a group of teenage girls talk...constant. The covey was separated into 2 groups on either side of the yard and they were in constant communication. The owl stayed there for about 10 minutes, turning his head 180 to take a look at us and then watching the quail. WOW, we never take our life for granted and as the owl swooshed away we looked at each other and said, "what a great life...we are blessed."

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