Friday, May 14, 2010

Morning Sounds

One of the best things about having to get up early is seeing, hearing and smelling the early morning.  I have been a morning person my entire life.  My mother lived by the words, "the early bird gets the worm." I read that most "rich" people are morning people.  My sister and I shared the same bed when we were children and if we did not get up early my dad would come in and grab one side of the mattress and tumble us out of the bed onto the floor.  It only took a couple of times of this before we would jump out of bed when we heard him coming down the hall. 

As I sit here watching the morning arrive, the sky displays a variety of beautiful colors...changing hues with each minute.  The birds are awake and their music is like a symphony...each one different from the next.  It is fresh smelling.  Critters are starting to move around and I can barely hear the traffic because it is so quiet.  Of course during the week when I have to be in bed by 8 PM in order to get 7 hours sleep before I have to get up and get ready for work...I do miss the sunset and the winding down of nature.  I have to wear and eye mask in order to trick my brain to fall asleep.

Maybe that is why I love weekends.  I know that research says that you should not change your sleep pattern on your days off but are they who research for real!?  On the weekend I can enjoy the sunset, staying up later and sleeping in...of course sleeping in for me is making it to 7 AM and I still have to put a mask on to fool my brain in the morning! LOL  but it is sweet to wake up and feel luxurious to have slept until you hear the first golf ball being hit!

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